How to Turn a Stool into a DIY Trash Can

How to Turn a Stool into a DIY Trash Can

DIY Trash Can ~ Perfect for Entertaining

I am so excited to share a simple idea that one of my sweet friends came up with.  When I saw it, I had one of those…”why didn’t I think of that” moments.  Plus it totally puts my usual garage bag tied to a door handle to shame.  This simple DIY Trash Can is cute, simple and oh so perfect for in a pinch.  Love!

How to turn a stool into a Garbage Can ~ Simple DIY Trash Can

This will not replace your everyday garbage can.  However, its great for birthday parties, backyard BBQ’s or anytime you have a crowd of people over.  We actually used it for the trash can at our occasional shop.  I thought it was just too brilliant not to share.

Can you guess how my friend made this simple trash can?

Her secret weapon…a bar stool!

How to turn a stool into a Garbage Can ~ Simple DIY Trash Can

Photo taken at The Red Door.

My favorite occasional store for local handmade goods (shameless plug).

How to turn a stool into a Garbage Can ~ Simple DIY Trash Can If you are like me, guests have already arrived before I realize…my under the sink trash can is not big enough.  Trust me…that’s totally not the time to be running to the store.  That’s why I love this idea so much.  Quick, cheap and oh so adorable!

Ready to make your own?

All you need is a bar stool and a trash bag.  Things you probably already have at home.

How to turn a stool into a Garbage Can ~ Simple DIY Trash Can

Start by turning the bar stool upside down.

How to turn a stool into a Garbage Can ~ Simple DIY Trash Can Next, fit the trash bag over the legs of the stool.

You are all set with a new garbage can.

Seriously could it be any easier?

No power tools, paint or quick trips to the store needed.  Love that!

How to turn a stool into a Garbage Can ~ Simple DIY Trash Can

Way cuter than something that you would have picked up at the store anyway, right?

I would love to hear your latest “why didn’t I think of that” moment.

Until Next time


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or over at Housing A Forest where I share fun ways to get creative with your kids

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