DIY Candle Sconce

DIY Candle Sconce

Trash to Treasure ~ DIY Candle Sconce

One of my favorite things to do is to go junkin’ and dumpster diving.  Seriously, my eyes light up when I find a discarded gem on the side of the road.  Repurposing and repainting are two of my favorite things.  Scroll down to find out how I turned discarded shutters from the 50’s into a simple distressed candle sconce that I love!  

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces A quick coat of paint and a little sanding gave these shutters a new life.

Creating a perfect backdrop for a wall candle sconce.

Simple, adorable and free…works for me!

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces

I picked these shutters in the trash a while ago.

Not very pretty right now, but with a little paint and some love was all they needed.

Don’t you just see the potential?!

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces I did a minimal amount of sanding and then a quick sloppy undercoat of dark brown paint.

Thats my favorite part about a distressed look.  No perfectionist painting required!

 Your going for a weathered, I’ve been beaten up and used look.  A piece that looked well loved.

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces

Simple trick ~ How to achieve an easy distressed paint finish.

After the brown paint was dry, I used one of my favorite tricks for distressing.  A candle!

By rubbing a candle across the areas that you want to distress, you can achieve a very realistic chippy painted piece.

The wax of the candle will make the distressing easy…plus there is no dust like when you sand.  Two wins in my book!

Finally, paint a sloppy coat of white on top of the brown.

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces

Now comes the fun part…use steel wool to scratch off the areas where you applied the candle.

Voila a perfectly distressed shutter.

The candle sconce was black iron when I started.  I think I picked it up at the thrift store.

I dry brushed some blue paint and a then a little white right over the black iron.

Again I am going for an old “I’ve been around for years” look, so sloppy painting works!

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces

Can you believe it…I found the mirror in the trash as well.

I am always amazed at what people throw out.

We giggle at our house about going treasure hunting in the alleys.  The kids enjoy it almost as much as I do.

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces

Notice the little box with jars of flowers?

Simple way to arrange flowers, AKA you don’t have to be a florist to make it look good!

I’ll be posting about it soon.

DIY Candle Sconce ~ trash to treasure distressed Shutter Sconces

If distressed paint is your thing, then you’ll love our:

Coffee Sack Art

I originally shared this project on Housing A Forest, where I share creative ideas for Kids.

Until Next time


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or over at Housing A Forest where I share fun ways to get creative with your kids

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